
Monday, September 3, 2012

Art on the wall

My living room wall above the sofa is getting a make-over. 

I put six empty canvases up, waiting to be decorated.

The first piece of art is a mixed media piece, using gesso, modelling paste, acrylics, glaze 


smashed glass. :) 

Not happy about the whole thing, might change some areas...

like that little globby area upper left...

don't like the white flower kinda in the middle there...

Started by covering the whole canvas with gesso, then adding a light color wash for the background.
Next, added texture to the background using different textured stuff like sponges and bubble wrap.

Smooshed and pushed and shaped some (lots!) modelling paste into cabbage roses.

(Really had no idea what we were doing-my Sis and I.)
Then we added color!

It was hard getting the color right. 

We wanted a bright pink without it looking neonish or coral. 

Finally, after giving up on our fancy, expensive Golden acrylics, we turned to my scrapbook paints that

I have had for years. 

And met with success! 

Happy happy colors!

Lastly, we added glass flakes that a scrapbook friend of mine gave me for free. :) 

And here it is!

And here's my sis's. Isn't it fabulous?!?

 Thanks for stopping by. :) 

Go make someone smile.:)


  1. Love your version of our art soooo much, sis! So happy and carefree, like you! Can't wait to see what you will do with the other canvases.

  2. Susha, Trudy suggests I add deeper green to the bottom left corner to create more depth. I will run with that advice. That might just be what it was missing. :)

  3. you made me smile with this - I love your painting and how textured the flowers are. Have you had a chance to paint more of those canvases?? What fun!
