
Monday, May 26, 2014

Snail Mail Revival

Have you heard of the happy mail movement? Penpalling and snail mail is re-gaining popularity, and artists are totally on board with this, swapping artsy goodies, stationery and letters. I had to do it too!

Working on getting these out to some The Documented Life Projectees. I flit from one thing to the next, never staying on one project long, so that is why this is taking so long, but it will come yet. :)

I found a penpal on Instagram, and this is what I sent to her. My own doodles and watercolor cards, Instagram photos I printed at Prikl, a letter, and some mail tag answers. I forgot to ask her some questions! Boo.

I use these date circles for my DLP, with a cute green striped treat bag as it's home.

This is INCOMING MAIL from a lovely DLPer and Instagrammer, Christine Brasachio from California. Isn't it great?!? 

Many months ago, a friend in the city sent me some lovely hidden messages in the mail, and now I finally returned the favor with some odds and ends in my art stash. :) 

Be Free, Be Beautiful, Be You

is the tag line of this OUTGOING MAIL for some lovelies. Twelve, to be exact. Still another thing waiting to go out. :)

Cute grey envelope decorated with washi tape, confetti made with gelli-prints, yellow twine, all wrapped up in a vintage children's book page. :)

Gelli-prints on index cards, then zentangled with a pen and nib on top of it. Some stamps, an old atlas page, stamped journaling spot, clear envelope housing the confetti...

Another way you can get involved in sending happy mail is swapping art post cards with other art journalers. The three above is what I sent out. They are simply watercolored puddles, doodled with a sharpie pen after. 

Check out these snail mail, happy mail, penpalling resources online:

My Pinterest board:

The Happy Mail Project: 

One of the first sites I came across is great:

So much fun to send away goodies. :) Do you snail mail? Make someone's day, like an auntie you don't see very often with some cute stuff in an envelope in the mail. Who doesn't like to get nice letters? 

Happy Day!

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