
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Artful Summer Displays

Hi all! :) Just a little update on my recent wanderings and creative play these gorgeous, warm summer months.

Playing here and there, some mail art, some in my brand new traveler's journal called a Confettidori, other times I add more paint to the cover of my Dylusions journal that is home to the challenges of The Documented Life Project 2015 - The Journal. 

The summer is so full of delicious colors and aroma of flowers. Take the time to savor all these beautiful things! Our peony plant is showing off. This gorgeous display lasts such a short time! Every year I am in awe of its beauty. Maybe I don't get out enough? LOL 

They bloom so happily, not afraid to be real.

And also this. Sweet toesies....they belong to my little nephew, four weeks old. Aren't they the sweetest??? ♥♥♥ I hope to cuddle him today. I haven't called his mommy to warn her yet. ;)

On the weekend, the boys played in muddy water, in a creek off the main river. The oldest son got the mud into his hair, on purpose. He says it works like shampoo. O----KAY. Whatever. Loved their screaming and laughing and splashing, loved the sunshine shining down into the water, casting lovely sprinkles everywhere. I was a bit scared of the great rushing river nearby...but they stayed happily here in the creek.

While the boys were splashing around in the water, I wandered. Here are the lovely steps down to the creek.

Gorgeous large leaves on this flower! We can't find our nature books anywhere! I love identifying the plants by name.

The humble Buffalo Beans always sing such happiness and delight to me. They create this lovely cascade of yellow along the river back, not shouting out their presence, but just content to be who they are. :)

Bought the gorgeous paints by Dyan Reavelry: the Dylusions paints. They are super yummy to work with! Here I added some color through a stencil to my DLP journal.

More yellow paint in my journal. Working on a recent DLP challenge. Next post will be about this finished page.

This lovely field of daisies grace our backyard. So happy and carefree! I have been really inspired by the colors and shapes of these lately!

And here's my beautiful daughter wearing her youngest brother's cape. She is waiting for hers to be sewn ever so patiently. She wants it a certain length and the weight heavy, like they were in the old King Arthur's days, and a deep green. Such velvety velour fabric we cannot find for a decent price, and so she waits.

Well, time to wrap up this blog post. May your summer wanderings find you in magical places. Places that make you dream. Places that lifts the load off your shoulders, you know, all that stress we carry around so often! Hope you have time to create this summer!

Blessings to each of you!

♥ Anna ♥

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