
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 15 DLP: I'm Not Crying A River

Do check out this fantastic art journal project if you haven't already! The above letters in green is a link that takes you to it. ;) So rewarding and it's a great education, and it is FREE! Whoot!!

The project I'm sharing here is from Week 15! (Yes, very far behind, but I'm okay with that!) 

Acrylics is the art challenge and the journaling prompt is Cry Me a River. 
Here are the Art5 ladies takes on the challenge:

So, here is my project. Scroll down for close-ups and bit of my process.:) My spin on the journaling prompt is to do the opposite of the quote. NOT crying a river here, rather, I choose to do a very happy looking piece. I had no feel for the crying a river part. LOL.

 I just finished a class called Neon Forest, by Teresa McFayden. Check it out HERE! She is the featured artist for this week's DLP. I have salivated over her Neon Forests for a year at least, and so when I visited her blog to see her take on this week's DLP challenge, I saw the Neon Forest art. I said, whoa, gotta check that out! I had never searched out the artist. That said, I signed up for her class, and made a few pieces following her suggestions. Love them. I decided to deviate from the regular grey background with pink. It DOES NOT HAVE THE SAME NEON POWER as the grey, and frankly, (See the bottom of this post for my class pieces, with the grey background.) I look like I'm on crack or something. LOL I promise, I'm not! Teehee

I started with the background, blending pink and white Dylusions paints in a circular motion in the middle with a round Ranger paint applicator. Painted funky flowers, fun little leaves, stems with heavy duty acrylic paint and outlined everything with a grey Stabilo All pencil.

Stencilled a vine with the Tracks stencil by Tim Holtz and added more detail marks to the halo in the middle with a really old stencil called Circles n' Circles TCW79 by The Crafter's Workshop. I also added heavy duty acrylic paint to some of the "leaves" I made with the stencil, to give it a bit more texture. 

Added a yellowish paint in some areas at the bottom of the page. Looking at it now, I feel like I should have added more to the bottom to ground it better, but too late now, I'm posting! :)

Loving the messy palette of paints!

Ooh, and had to sneak in a peek of my newest Traveler's Journal. It's from The Foxy Fix, and it's name is Pixie Dust. ♥♥♥ (But that's a different post!)

My very first Neon Forest. I have lots to learn, but I like it, as it portrays my moving into unknown territory, out of my comfort zone. Painting precisely with paint brushes is something I definitely need to practice more! And my background area needs more blending...and..and...but I'm happy overall!

Neon Forest #2: I tried a really fast version for the NaNoJouMo 15 minute version, which I'm participating in the month of November. I made this over two-15 minute time slots. I hope to blog about that project sometime soon!


  1. I love what you are doing with the dip prompts! I only got thru four weeks his year. You are inspiring me to go back and start again!

  2. Thanks so much for visiting, @Michelle Lapoint Rydell!! :) I have been stuck on many of the prompts too, so have only done about a third of them so far. It would be nice to do them all in order, week for week, but that just does not work for me right now. We can make it whatever we want. It's a tool in my toolbox, not my master. :)

  3. Love your journal and that you made the prompt your own! Thanks for sharing what you're creating with Let's Play!

  4. You did more than me with DLP this year, Anna. I think I made it to week 4! I'm looking forward to seeing what they are up to for 2016. I actually like the pink page better than the gray, I think. Both are great, however.

  5. Very nice, and I also like the pink page better.

  6. What happy flowers, full of life and they make me smile. Love the bright colours and the gorgeous pink.
