
Friday, March 11, 2016

Leaves, Mountains and a Hat in my 18/52 Project

 Hi, fellow creatives! I'm having fun playing along with the 18/52 Journal prompts. This is a free art journaling project hosted by the lovely Miranda Banks at Clare Plantation. Check it out here!  

You pick 18 supplies and create one page a week using only 18 items of your choosing for three months. After the three months are over, you select another 18, and use only those for another three months. You do this two more times, until you have 52 pages over the course of the whole year. So fun!

So I've completed eight of the prompts. Today I'm sharing number 6, 7 and 8. I blogged the first 5 early February. See that post HERE.

I'm still going strong with my "Aubergine" color series. Not tired of the colors yet!

Week 6 prompt was LEAVES. I was inspired by an illustration by Eloise Ranouf called Leaf Blocks.

I loaded up my round 6" Gelli Plate with paint in my color palette: deep violet, hot pink and black. I also added white gesso. Using the two stencils from my kit, I made several layers on a paper from my junque journal (an old Reader's Digest book). Then I doodled the leaves with the white Uniball Signo pen, cut them out in rounded rectangles and glued them onto a painterly background in my unPlanner. 

For Week 7, the prompt was MOUNTAINS. I was inspired by a woven rug I found on Pinterest. I adore all those colors mixed with each other, so I went to work finger painting. So fun. I painted many layers, waiting things to partially dry in between layers, but sometimes not, allowing the colors to blend. See the rug that gave me the idea HERE. I just used the paint and gesso for this page. These diamonds/squares on an angle/triangular peaks are what I call mountains. LOL I am allowed to use this prompt very loosely, I think. That's the beauty of art journaling prompts: I will not get tested or graded on how I do this. 

Here it is in my unPlanner.

Week 8, the Prompt was HAT. I was looking for a creative way to use this stencil.

It's this stencil, nicely "loaded" with the paint! I found the quote in the old Reader's Digest book I use as an art journal.

The stencil brought an image to mind of a lady with flowers piled high on her head, and lo, the quote! I happened upon it quite by accident, leafing through my old book! It goes perfectly!! Looking some more through the book, I found an image of a lady to use. She's sad. Must be the flowers weighing her down. I cut her out, and glued it to a page in my unPlanner. Next I placed down the stencil, using the palette knife to add the 3D Gel medium through the stencil, randomly adding the gel through the stencil in a "hat" shape. I let it dry, then started adding color. The flowers didn't look "flowery" enough, so I hand painted some flowers and leaves too. I added more details with the white gel pen, I kept on adding more paint to the background. Loving the textures!!

I blotted out a few words from the little quote with black paint, then adding the right wording with the gel pen.

And there she is!

Next three prompts I need to do are STAMP, FOREST and MOON. Maybe you'll see a post about them soon. :)

Thanks for visiting!

♥♥♥  Anna  ♥♥♥


  1. Anna I really just can't get that girl with the pink blossom hat off my mind. It is just so beautiful! You blog posts are very enjoyable to read and again I just appreciate all you do!

  2. Awww, you're so kind, Miranda! Thanks! I love blogging! I would have liked to get more depth with each flower, but it was fun. :)

  3. Gorgeous - I absolutely LOVE your use of the stencil for her floral hat. Always inspired when I visit :-) Happy Easter
