Hi all! It's been a long time since I've posted anything here, but today I have something to share (and when I actually took the time to write a post!). I finally have another art video up on YouTube. This time it's my take on Week 3 of the Life Documented 2019 prompt. The challenge was to create for 20 minutes.
As I was preparing this post, my boys were watching former NASA engineer Mark Rober's videos on YouTube. The specific video was about kids' science projects and education, and he said something that really spoke to me, and it applies to this prompt as well. He quotes Tina Seelig: Creativity is applying your imagination to address a challenge. This requires both imagination and experimentation." Wow. I thought you'd all like it too, so I've picked that as my quote, and I think it fits well with the challenge: to only allow yourself 20 minutes to create something. It sure challenged me, and we all need to flex those creative muscles, right? :) If you're interested, HERE IS THE VIDEO.
Thanks for visiting, hope you can get in twenty minutes of art time soon! :)
♥♥♥ Anna ♥♥♥